Hello world.
I have finally decided to start blogging again. Hopefully I can keep this up, seeing as how I have not been very consistent about stuff like this.
So, iyelp.tumblr.com it is…for now anyway. Everything else was taken, even waldenwest, my trusty fallback pseudonym that I use for my Twitter handle (that may change too, someday).
I am just a guy trying to make sense of life while working in the rat race known as Silicon Valley. In the meantime I have a lot of opinions that I would like to share on this blog.
But first, a disclaimer: all opinions expressed herein are my own and not of my employer, church, family, friends, or ethnicity. Names and details may also be changed to protect the innocent.
I recall Nahm in Bangkok (your rec.) a great value. Delicious and memorable, but not life changing. But I doubt…