I want to love Flickr but it won’t let me.
Does anybody else find Flickr really difficult to use?
Maybe I’m just old, but it’s not like Flickr is all that young.
Took me more than 20 minutes to figure out:
1. privacy is set at the photo level (not at the album-set level), and
2. how to batch edit privacy levels of a group of photos.
I still don’t know how to easily see the privacy level of a group of photos (say, in a set).
Honestly, I’d love to talk to the people at Flickr to see why things are the way they are. The only reason why I’m using it is because there’s a free terabyte of storage, and I really want to like it, but it’s just so. difficult. to. use.
cc: marissamayr
I recall Nahm in Bangkok (your rec.) a great value. Delicious and memorable, but not life changing. But I doubt…