Day Zero of the Crossfit Experiment
Despite some initiaI nausea after Saturday’s 7 am Crossfit workout (chronicled in my previous blog entry), I felt great for the rest of the day. Today I woke up feeling super sore and unable to move my legs, but other than that I was on top of the world. In fact, I felt so good that I have decided to embark on a Crossfit experiment: I signed up for Norcal Crossfit’s prep course, which costs $200 and consists of 8 classes over 2 weeks (M-Th), and starts tomorrow, December 8.
The “only” difficulty: the classes are at 6 am in Santa Clara, which is a 20-minute drive away, which means I’ll probably have to get up a little after 5 am.
But I figure, it may be good practice getting up early if I ever have kids in the future. Plus it reminds me of that passage in 1 Corinthians where Paul talks about beating his body into submission.
My goal will be to complete the prep course and to blog about it daily for the next two weeks (or at least on days when I have class). I recognize there’s a chance I may not be able to finish the class, but I hope I do…my biggest worry is that I get injured in the process, because that would suck.
God help me…
I genuinely enjoying reading and seeing videos about your sailing adventure =)