Day 8: It is finished.
Apologies to my readers (all 3 of you) for posting this a day late…I actually started writing this yesterday, but didn’t have a chance to finish it.
So…I made it! And I didn’t get injured! I guess they save the hardcore Crossfit stuff for the regular classes, after they rope the unsuspecting newbies into memberships.
In any case, I will definitely try it for a month and see how it goes…which is crazy because that means I would have THREE gym memberships: 24 hour fitness ($49/year), company gym (~$20/month), and now NorCal Crossfit ($220/month). I might as well sign up for Planet Granite to rock climb while I’m at it ($75/month, which also includes Crossfit…hmm…).
Initially I thought $220/month was a crazy price to pay for a gym, but recently a friend told me about Barry’s Bootcamp, which charges even more ($24-30 for an individual class, monthly membership >$400). For what it’s worth, he said that it “really works” (not sure what that would mean for me).
Since I took the day off, I spontaneously decided to go to a regular Crossfit class with a friend in the afternoon. I’m glad I didn’t look up the WOD beforehand: 3 rounds of 10 squat cleans and 7 muscle-ups. And I’m also glad that they reviewed the squat clean, since I had forgotten some of it already. They also had modifications for the muscle-ups, which for me translated into pull-ups/ring rows + push-ups.
I was still getting used to the movement so I didn’t put very much weight on the bar (in fact, I think I had the least amount of weight on in the class), but it still ended up being a good workout. It was almost strange that I didn’t want to puke afterwards (see Buddy Saturday), but I was definitely grateful for that.
Tomorrow I’m actually going to class again…a friend is visiting from out of town so I invited him to go to the free Saturday 10 am session at Norcal Crossfit. If I survive that class I will begin my membership.
I recall Nahm in Bangkok (your rec.) a great value. Delicious and memorable, but not life changing. But I doubt…