Yes I know what Tinder is.
I play in a C volleyball league on Thursday nights. There are 2 guys in their early twenties that just graduated from college, 1 girl in her late twenties, 1 girl in her thirties (I actually had to confirm this…I just assumed since she has 2 kids), me, and a guy in his fifties.
After this week’s game, we went out to a bar to hang out. Despite being an eclectic group of people we manage to have a good time (especially me after having a hard apple cider). At some point we decide to take a group selfie, and even though I am morally opposed to them I volunteer to take it with my best-in-class iPhone 6 front-facing camera.
It’s a bit embarrassing, though, since I have to be reminded (by the new college grad, no less) to flip the camera on my phone prior to taking the selfie. It took a few tries, and I found out that you can’t use a flash on the front-facing camera (I thought that maybe the screen would white out, but no). In the end I also asked another person to take the photo for us, but then I forgot to turn off the 3 second timer I had set for the selfie (you know, to minimize hand-shaking)…basically I came off looking like I had no idea how to operate my iPhone.
Later, the topic switched to Tinder, and the twentysomethings were like, “Do you know what Tinder is?” I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised they asked, but wow. Of course I knew what Tinder was…I’m an avid TechCrunch reader and keep up on all the latest internet trends.
It reminded me of a time a few years ago when my cousins (who are over 10 years younger than me) had to explain to me what yolo meant. They were shocked I didn’t know since it was apparently a huge internet meme and a top trending topic on Twitter. To be fair I was much less hip then (even though I was the one who told one of my cousins about Gangnam Style).
But that was then, this is now, and kids — I know all about the Tinders and Tumblrs and Twitters you guys are using.
I genuinely enjoying reading and seeing videos about your sailing adventure =)