Why I hate DIY projects, part 2
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked Nathan.
I had purchased a third party tow hitch, but was having second thoughts about doing the installation myself. To be clear, “doing the installation myself” meant asking Nathan for help while standing nearby to provide moral support.
As I’ve previously written, I’m not the handiest person, and don’t really enjoy DIY projects. However, the OEM tow hitch was sold out (and cost more than three times as much — albeit with installation), and I didn’t want to wait.
Luckily, my friend Nathan is handy and was around to help. I started watching a YouTube installation video before Nathan came over, but watching somebody tear apart a Tesla was like watching a horror movie. I wanted no part in it, and just wanted to return the third party tow hitch and wait for the OEM part so I didn’t have to worry about damaging my car during the installation.
“Yeah, let’s try it,” Nathan said after a pause.
He didn’t sound confident so I asked him again, “Are you sure you want to? I don’t mind returning it, and we can just go on a bike ride.”
He paused again. “Let’s watch the video and see.” To be honest I was hoping that he’d just opt for the bike ride, but Nathan doesn’t give up as easily as I do when it comes to DIY projects.
Before I knew it, the bumper was off and the tow hitch was on, and everything worked out. The whole process went smoother than it did in the YouTube video, and in retrospect I didn’t know what I was so afraid of; Nathan is a professional.
Would I have wanted to try this by myself without help? Heck no. But going through this did make me realize that sometimes, I should press through my fears and try to do the thing that seems difficult / impossible (with help of course). And for all those other times, just wait and pay a professional to do it.
OEM tow hitch with installation: $1200.
Having a friend who can basically do the installation for you:
I recall Nahm in Bangkok (your rec.) a great value. Delicious and memorable, but not life changing. But I doubt…