Author: seriouslyted


random life update #3

Apologies to those of you who thought I was in Paris based on my last blog post…I’m actually leaving this week and am frantically trying to get as much work done as I can...


Great Expectations, part 4

The Power of FOMO “Am I crazy for wanting to go to Paris to watch a volleyball tournament?” I asked Iain. “You’re crazy, but going to Paris to watch volleyball isn’t that crazy for...


The Case for (and against) Airbnb

“SICKKK LOCATION,” Andy texted. “I KNOW RIGHT…WE SHOULD DO IT,” I responded. “It’s $500/person though, for 3 nights.” “Wait, $500 is a lot dude…that’s a round trip flight to Maryland.” (Andy’s from Maryland.) “Yeah...


Lessons from a post-match interview

Last week I went to cover the MPSF Men’s Volleyball Tournament at Stanford University. And by cover I mean I got a media pass and did media things: I live-tweeted the event, took some...


To Eat or Not to Eat, part 2

“What is it?” Charlene asked. We were at Gochi, one of my favorite restaurants, and I had ordered a couple of their famous fusion pizzas for a group birthday lunch. They had just served...


To Eat or Not to Eat, part 1

Like many people in the Bay Area these past couple weeks, I recently had a power outage for more than 24 hours due to the storm and high winds. I’m grateful for friends who...